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Dhatu rog (Spermatorrhoea)


Dhat disorder is a condition found in the way of life of the Indian subcontinent in which male patients report that they experience the ill effects of premature ejaculation or impotence, and also believe that they are passing semen in their pee.

Is Spermatorrhea a disease?

Spermatorrhea is a state of exorbitant, automatic discharge. If a patient had discharges outside of marital intercourse, or discharged more semen than is regular, at that point he was diagnosed to have a disease called spermatorrhea.

Ayurveda Medicines for Spermatorrhoea

Spermatorrhoea implies automatic loss of semen, which generally happens during sleep or under different conditions (during pee or on a stool) at different time. It is often associated with touchiness and debility of the generative organs.

Dhat Syndrome – How It Affects You?

While a few illnesses and medical conditions influence individuals everywhere throughout the world, there are some that are pervasive just among a specific social group or locale. Dhatu rog or Dhat disorder is one such socially bound disorder that influences men in the Indian subcontinent area including India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal. In some case, it might likewise influence the women of this area.

The word ‘dhat’ is gotten from the Sanskrit word ‘dhatu’ which signifies ‘metal’ or ‘elixir’. Symptoms, for example, weakness, tension and sexual dysfunction caused by the passing of a whitish liquid or whitish particles that are accepted as semen in the pee. Different side effects that an individual with this condition may express are weakness, absence of hunger, poor concentration and guilt.

How dhat is not quite the same as sperm leakage and premature ejaculation?

Dhat is the name given to the combine symptoms, for example, sexual, mental, and physical identified with the passing of a whitish liquid, accepted as semen in pee. This is normally trailed by psychological distress and nervousness because of semen-loss in patients. While, sperm leakage is a sexual dysfunction which occurs because of frail parasympathetic nerves. What occurs here is that seminal liquid overflows out of a flabby penis.

This is said to occur due to over masturbation. Dhat, then again, is going of seminal liquid in pee. What’s more, premature ejaculation is something that occurs at the time of intercourse. In this, the male can’t continue an erection sufficiently long for infiltration and ‘comes’ rashly. In this condition, penetrative sex doesn’t occur or occurs for too short period of time to satisfy the partner.

In the dhat disorder, guys usually trust that they have premature ejaculation and experience the ill effects of weakness separated from simply releasing the white original liquid during pee. This misfortune terrifies them into building up a feeling of discouragement as the fear of semen loss is extremely strong in the subcontinent. Young fellows from a rural background or of a lower financial status commonly complain of this disorder. It might be additionally catagorized under three heads:

  • Only Dhat: For this situation, the patients present with hypochondriacally oriented symptoms credited to the loss of semen

  • Dhat accompanied by nervousness or depression: For this situation, discouragement or uneasiness is the core condition that might be accompanied by semen

  • Dhat accompanied by sexual dysfunction: In such cases, the patient may gripe of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or other psychosexual dysfunctional conditions, for example, depressive neurosis, somatoform/hypochondriasis or anxiety

Symptoms detailed

  • Fatigue and drowsiness

  • Appetite loss

  • Lack of physical strength

  • Poor focus and carelessness

  • Guilt

  • Sexual dysfunction

Common confusions about the disease Dhat

There are various misguided judgments about dhat. Most patients believe that the semen loss during pee will make them impotent or someway sexually weaker. This nervousness can be followed back a great many years to certain Ayurvedic treatises in which the loss of a solitary drop of semen, the most valuable body liquid, was sufficient to debilitate the entire body. This social conviction prompts a great deal of stigma, guilt, and depression identified with dhat.

The morbid hypochondriacal dread that is related with dhat disorder is additionally stuff that myths are made of. Patients trust that dhat will irreversibly hurt their bodies and they will be not able produce male posterity, and that dhat will cause a passing of posterity at an early age, lead to the introduction of a distorted baby; or cause anaemia, leprosy, tuberculosis, perpetual impotency, and contracting of the penis.

Factors apart from regenerative health which results in DHAT ROGA

Nerves are in charge of keeping the semen secured during a normal state in men. At the point when nerves get powerless, semen is released during pee or while doing ordinary exercises as a white release, called dhat.

This issue further strains different organs like liver and an ineffectively working liver builds weakness identified with muscles and furthermore decreases energy levels, fat metabolism, and contaminates blood.

Prostatitis, a sickness of the prostate organ which secretes original liquids can likewise exasperate dhat.

A weak digestive system, inclined to blockage and heaps additionally causes dhat. This is viewed as a white release while defecation.

Modern science has not had the capacity to comprehend a natural advancement of this condition and thus has no type of prescription to treat it. Consequently, usually considered as a hypochondriac condition. As per Ayurveda, aside from intemperate masturbation and a powerless regenerative health, conditions for example, weak digestion, constipation, and prostatitis can likewise trigger the symptoms of DHAT ROGA.

Ayurveda trusts that the body dependably works as a total substance and consequently no condition can be isolated and treated. Thus while treating infections, it approaches through changes in the individual’s eating diet, exercise, and lifestyle, mental health and overall physical health. On account of treatment for DHAT ROGA, it is critical for the specialist to initially address the patient’s erroneous beliefs and listen to the individual before medicating him.


Unani and Ayurveda hypothesizes driving a controlled sexual life to neutralize dhat.

Charaka Samhita postulates that semen is all unavoidable inside the body like “oil in the sesame seed” and recommends one discharge for each week in summer and 168 absolute yearly discharges as the ideal sexual recurrence for males.

Over-indulgence in sex and particularly masturbation can cause an imbalance in the DHATUS with a resultant physical sickness called dhat.

Ayurvedic and Unani Cure

Use herbs which improve energy and performance of the regenerative system. These herbs will expel debility and weakness and will raise levels of testosterone hormone in the body to revive and re-stimulate the reproductive system.

These pills additionally contain herbs which reinforce, repair and stimulate nerves and keep up an ideal supply of energy for the duration of the day to prevent semen release with urine.

Herb that is known for improving sexual power. Capsules come stacked with herbs which supplement minerals and supplements in a bio-accessible structure to expel insufficiencies improving the working of organs and muscles to check fatigue.

Ordinary guiding is often prompted in such cases along with anti-anxiety and anti-depression medications. Drug may likewise be recommended to shield semen from spilling into the urine. The patient is additionally educated to unwind in order to guarantee the smooth working of the genitourinary system.

In the event that you have a worry or inquiry you can generally consult a specialist and find solutions to your inquiries!

Advance treatment for male and female sexual problems.

Ayurvedic and Unani medicines have the highest herbal remedies with no side effects.

Our Ayurvedic and Unani formulations are developed using pure herbs that are known as an effective way to improve sexual & reproductive health.

Our chief physician Dr. S. A. Roy has spent more than four decades gathering information through research and practice.

His rich experience in blending the ancient wisdom of herbal medicine with modern science helping people to achieve a successful sense of long-lasting well-being.

The team of doctors at Roy Health & Speciality Clinic & Navayavvana Dispensary worked together to make medical treatment successful.

Our unique formulations have been proven to be the best solution for lakhs of male and female for Sexual and Reproductive Health.

We understand that talking about and seeking a solution for sexual issues can be embarrassing. But you do not have to worry; we have treated patients like you successfully.

Many of us know that sexual medicine alone will not provide the needed complete benefit, you need the right advice and counselling to gain a proper understanding of Sexual Health.

Therefore, we offer the unique blend of herbal medical therapies with the right counselling that our senior physician developed, which will make you emerge as a new person with improved self-confidence.

We can understand that you have come to our website with the hope to get a permanent solution. Hence it is always recommended to share every detail with our doctors about your lifestyle issues like your blood glucose level, sleeping duration, physical activities (exercise) food habits, consumption of alcohol, smoking habit, level of masturbation and other intoxication that you previously used.

We do all the necessary check-up before starting the treatment.

We are specialized in dealing with all Male and Female Sexual Health Problems Like Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low Sperm Counting, Nocturnal Emission, Spermatorrhea, Penile Growth, Menstruation Problems, Women’s breast development, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Joint Pain, Skin Diseases, please obtain a prior appointment for consultation by contacting in below mobile numbers.

+91 8880041775

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