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What is gonorrhoea?

Gonorrhoea is a bacterial infection caused by the organism Neisseria gonorrhoea (also known as gonococcus bacteriae) that is transmitted by sexual contact.

Gonorrhoea is one of the oldest known sexually transmitted diseases. It is estimated that over one million women are currently infected with gonorrhoea. Among women who are infected, a significant rate additionally will be infected with chlamydia, another kind of microscopic organisms that causes another STD.

Contrary to popular belief, gonorrhoea cannot be transmitted from toilet seats or door handles. The bacterium that causes gonorrhoea requires very specific conditions for growth and reproduction. It can’t live outside the body for longer than a couple of minutes, nor would it be able to live on the skin of the hands, arms, or legs. It survives only on moist surfaces within the body and is found most commonly in the vagina, and, more commonly, the cervix.

The cervix is the end of the uterus that projects into the vagina. It can also live in the tube (urethra) through which pee channels from the bladder. Gonorrhoea can also exist in the back of the throat (from oral-genital contact) and in the rectum.

Gonorrhoea symptoms

A dominant part of infected women have no signs, particularly in the beginning periods of the infection. When women do experience signs and symptoms of gonorrhoea they include

  • Burning during urination,
  • Frequent urination,
  • A yellowish vaginal discharge,
  • Redness and swelling of the genitals, and
  • Vaginal itching or burning.

If untreated, gonorrhoea can lead to severe pelvic infection with inflammation of the Fallopian tubes and ovaries. Gonorrhoea can likewise spread through the body to infect joints to cause gonorrhoeal joint inflammation.

Gonorrheal infection of the Fallopian tubes can lead to a serious, painful infection of the pelvis known as pelvic inflammatory disease or PID. PID happens in a significant portion of women with gonorrheal infection of the

uterine cervix. Symptoms of pelvic disease incorporate fever, pelvic cramping, stomach pain, or pain with penetration. Pelvic infection can prompt trouble in getting to be pregnant or even sterility.

Occasionally, if the infection is severe enough, a localized area of infection and pus (an abscess) forms and major surgery may be necessary and even lifesaving. Gonorrhoea infection in people with conditions causing serious abnormal immune function, such as AIDS, can also be more serious.

Advance treatment for male and female sexual problems.

Ayurvedic and Unani medicines have the highest herbal remedies with no side effects.

Our Ayurvedic and Unani formulations are developed using pure herbs that are known as an effective way to improve sexual & reproductive health.

Our chief physician Dr. S. A. Roy has spent more than four decades gathering information through research and practice.

His rich experience in blending the ancient wisdom of herbal medicine with modern science helping people to achieve a successful sense of long-lasting well-being.

The team of doctors at Roy Health & Speciality Clinic & Navayavvana Dispensary worked together to make medical treatment successful.

Our unique formulations have been proven to be the best solution for lakhs of male and female for Sexual and Reproductive Health.

We understand that talking about and seeking a solution for sexual issues can be embarrassing. But you do not have to worry; we have treated patients like you successfully.

Many of us know that sexual medicine alone will not provide the needed complete benefit, you need the right advice and counselling to gain a proper understanding of Sexual Health.

Therefore, we offer the unique blend of herbal medical therapies with the right counselling that our senior physician developed, which will make you emerge as a new person with improved self-confidence.

We can understand that you have come to our website with the hope to get a permanent solution. Hence it is always recommended to share every detail with our doctors about your lifestyle issues like your blood glucose level, sleeping duration, physical activities (exercise) food habits, consumption of alcohol, smoking habit, level of masturbation and other intoxication that you previously used.

We do all the necessary check-up before starting the treatment.

We are specialized in dealing with all Male and Female Sexual Health Problems Like Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low Sperm Counting, Nocturnal Emission, Spermatorrhea, Penile Growth, Menstruation Problems, Women’s breast development, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Joint Pain, Skin Diseases, please obtain a prior appointment for consultation by contacting in below mobile numbers.

+91 8880041775

+91 9448161040

+91 8970934698

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25/8, 1st Cross
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Sampige Apartment
Bangalore. 560003
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